Booster Plus
Booster is liquid food supplement, which is specially design, formulated and develop to improve growth performance and feed efficiency in poultry industry.

Our Broad-spectrum product is proven to be efficient against all common mycotoxins in poultry feed.

Innovative Solutions
Essar Agro
ESSAR AGRO PRODUCTS is a leading player in India’s animal healthcare industry. The company with an experience of 25 years in the animal Feed business provides wide range of Feed care solutions.
We Have Two Division
- Oil / Fat Division
- Acidifier Division
What We Offer
We provide Premium Quality Nutrients
We are dedicated to serving the animal production industry by helping farmers, integrators etc. through our premium quality Premixes and Feed supplements. So that they can improve their performance, became more competitive and increase their profitability.
Stay in Touch
For More About Our Products and New Launches.

Our Premium Services
Our Best Services
We Offer Great Number of Services
Poultry Division
Well Processed High - Quality food supplement and contained almost nil impurities.
Agro Products
We produce many agro products. In which high quality is taken care of, so that you get good products with quality.
Organic Products
We do organic farming and send those organic products to many countries .
Agro Business Consultancy
We provide all consultancy related to Agro. We have a team of experts who will assist you
To Our Customers
Our internal processes ensure that quality is carefully controlled at every phase in the value chain, from design and manufacture of products to marketing and customer service.
Why Choose Us
Essar Agro
One of the leading Feed Premix company in india, is now committed to expand in this promising market globally, by capitalize on the marker trends.

Country Export

Year of Experience